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Films - Videos 




Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity 
Man and Films  
Macho a film by Lucinda Broadbent + list of films on Domestic Violence 
Women abuse - Videos - Health Canada  
Leeds Animation Workshop 
Men & Masculinity- Access Reality TV 
Violence begins at home- work-in-progress videotape  
Domestic Violence Resources 
Boys on film- challenging masculinities in South Asia- Children Fund and UNICEF

Unesco produced a small booklet called "Tolerance in Films", which contains suggestions of movies, and short explanatory notes, that can help discuss issues linked with racism, nationalism, sexism, religious sectarianism. The movies are sufficiently well-known to be found in most countries.
The booklet, which exists in English, French and Spanish, was published by Education International 155 bd. Emile Jacqmain, B-1210 Bruxelles.

Paolo Fontani
Department of Education for a Culture of Peace
UNESCO 7, place de Fontenoy  F-75352 Paris   FRANCE
Tel.: +33 1 45 68 09 73   Fax: + 33 1 45 68 55 57

Donna Ferrato has spent more than 15 years documenting domestic violence and has produced a multimedia show called "When Love Hurts: A Visual Journey into Violence and Relationships." 

How can men give 100 percent support to women in their battle against violence? Does the media have a role to play? Save the Children Fund and UNICEF have examined the potential of film to help boys in South Asia question their attitudes towards gender. Violence against women in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal runs high and is perpetuated by traditional practices such as dowry payments or sex selective abortions. Can film challenge entrenched gender stereotypes? The study suggests that impressionable school-aged boys could be made to think positively about alternative male role models and attitudes towards girls and women through film.   http://www.id21.org/static/6arp1.htm 

Audio and Video Resources (source: http://sano.arf.org/aggression/reslist.htm#av

Men's Work
Videorecording by Paul Kivel
Centre City, Minn.: Hazelden video, c1992
ISBN: 0894868284
This video is based on Kivel's written work (see entry under "Books" on this web site).

Why are you so angry?
Dennis C. Daley and Gerald T. Rogers
VHS videorecording - 34 min.
Skokie, Ill.: Gerald T. Rogers Productions, 1991
Distributors: Toronto, Ont.: Kinetic; Richmond, B.C. : Image Media

Four individuals confront their anger and learn constructive ways of coping with it. Explores causes of anger - biological, psychiatric, substance abuse, social and cultural. Shows destructive results of mishandling anger. Discusses several cognitive and behavioural strategies for dealing with anger.

"Bitches From Hell: The Politics of Self-Defense"
by Kay Leigh Hagan

Pamphlet from Escapadia Press, P.O. Box 217, Sante Fe, NM 87501
"Warning: The Media May Be Hazardous To Your Health"
Video by Media Watch, P.O. Box 618, Santa Cruz, CA 95061.
Background on the context in which this essay was written.
Date Readings and Video Were Discussed: November 2, 1992
Present: Catherine C., Colleen M., Robin Z., Stephanie R., Kalisa, Gina B., Lisa F., Bobby C., & Cathleen M.


Violence Begins at Home is an independent documentary film project about domestic violence.  It focuses on the stories of participants who have witnessed violence in their homes as children -- and who have decided not to continue the cycle of violence in their own lives and families.  Read the full project description and click here for frequently updated news from the director to learn more. 

We need people, material and financial support.  We need sponsoring organizations who can help promote the project within their own communities and networks.  Click here to find out how you can get involved.

We are in the process of posting transcripts, video and audio clips from the interviews that have been conducted thus far -- check out the preview section.   

You can contact us at: aml@discover-films.com

Some more details
Violence begins at home


How to Handle Anger
Cassette, 60 min.
Mel Boyce and Peg Defren
Corte Madera, Calif.: Boyce Productions, 1973

Emphasizes the illogical factors in anger and the destructive aspects of our tendency to repress and avoid dealing with our anger. Includes interviews with patients and examples as well as discussions.

How to Handle Anger (without losing your cool)
Cassette, 50 min.
Cassandra Warren
Shawnee Mission, KA.: Sourcecom, 1987
Subject: anger, transactional analysis

Unresolved Anger: How Resentment Blocks Recovery
Ernie Larsen
Brooklyn Park, MN: E. Larsen Enterprises, 1989
Subject: alcoholism rehabilitation, anger

Distributors of Audio and Video Resources

B.C. Institute on Family Violence
Suite 551   409 Granville St.
Vancouver, B.C.  V6C 1T2
Tel: (604) 669-7055 Fax: (604) 669-7054
e-mail: bcifv@direct.ca

Domestic Violence Resource Centre
PO Box 3278 South Brisbane BC 4101

1300 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 220, Seattle, WA 98109, (800) 553-8336


Domestic Violence Materials

In case you are not aware of an excellent videotape titled, "A Woman's Place," produced for Maryland Public Television, I am pleased to call it to your attention. Filmed in three segments, it focuses on efforts made by a magistrate in the Transkei, a prosecutor in Duluth, Minnesota, and a lawyer in India, who uses different strategies in an effort to bring reforms in the law to their communities.  The segment involving the Duluth prosecutor is specifically on domestic violence, but the other two segments, while addressing different issues, are concerned with women's empowerment, and therefore, related in a corollary fashion. Jane Connors, Section Chief in DAV,  has a copy of the videotape in a Pal version, , but you may obtain another copy by contacting Maria Nicolo, 201 West 85th St.  #8c, NY, NY 10024; telephone 212-877-3253; or
e-mail <maria_nicolo@msn.com >.

I have shown the videotape to a number of audiences in such diverse places as Moscow and Nairobi, and found that invariably, it was very well-received.


Vidéos Femmes - Québec 
Vidéos - Violences faites aux femmes - Santé Canada 
Vidéo Violence dans les fréquentations amoureuses des adolescents 
Théâtre- Pêche d'enfer - Collectif et Refuge de la Louvière  (cassette vidéo) 
Prévenir la violence chez les jeunes - Vidéos et pièces de théâtre

Des marelles et des petites filles... Fiche d'exploitation pédagogique
Dans trop de pays, les petites fille sont encore souvent éliminées, abusées, exploitées, maltraitées, mal aimées. Ce que l’on voit dans Des marelles et des petites filles... n’est qu’une parcelle de la réalité. On commence à peine à mesurer l’ampleur de la discrimination dont elles sont victimes.
Pourtant, partout elles sont belles, partout elles savent jouer à la marelle, et n’aspirent qu’à bien lancer leur caillou... pour arriver jusqu’au ciel. «La cinéaste Marquise Lepage a filmé la vie de petites filles dans le monde. Elle est revenue avec un documentaire bouleversant qui nous rappelle que le mot enfance n’a pas le même sens partout...» Pascale Millot, Châtelaine Diffusion le dimanche 5 décembre dans le cadre des Beaux Dimanches à Radio-Canada.

La marelle est un des plus anciens jeux connus de l'histoire de l'humanité. Dix petites filles, dans six pays, sautent à cloche-pied dans l'espace de ce jeu. Elles nous racontent par la suite les réalités de leur vie d'enfants, leurs rêves, leurs espoirs.
Scénario et réalisation : Marquise Lepage
Production : Marcel Simard et Monique Simard ( Virage ) Nicole Lamothe coproductrice (ONF)
Produit par :  Les Productions Virage Inc. en coproduction avec l'Office national du film du Canada - Film de 52 min     http://www.nfb.ca/petites_filles/fiche.html