Cream -Berlin -Anti Violence Awareness 

Training and information programme

EuroPROFEM - The European Men Profeminist Network 


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89en_vio ... Violence


Content creation for interactive Media 

Cream -Berlin - Anti Violence Awareness 

Training and info

1. Cream e.V. – Content creation for interactive Media

Is a non profit organisation based in Berlin with the aim to promote social competence, gender equality, violence prevention, integration of immigrants , protection of victims and work with perpetrators. The organisation develops videos, CD-Roms and websites as vehicles to achieve these aims.

2. Titels of Products:
2.1. 2 CD-ROMs entitled AVA - Anti Violence Awareness - which deal with domestic violence:

»AVA1« Information for victims in 8 European languages
»AVA2« Training and information programme for professionals

2.2. Web-Site for violent men: 

3. Contact the producer: perincioli(AT) 

4. Website references: Information on »AVA«: the Web-Site for violent men: 

5. Policy recommendation: NGOs and Ministries of other European States can use our prototypes to produce their own nationally adapted version (English translation available).

»AVA« has been positively evaluated by NGOs of Denmark, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands, see:  and 

6. Detailed information: 2 CD-ROMs: »AVA - Anti Violence Awareness« regarding domestic violence "AVA1" Information for victims

With written texts in German for Germany and Austria, accompanied by spoken translations in English, French, Russian, Serb, Spanish, Polish or Turkish

»AVA2« Training and information programme for professionals

Interactive video scenes of police training demonstrate different methods of intervention, with special emphasis on the latest methods developed in Austria. They provide training and information for doctors and medical staff, equal opportunity commissioners, social workers and shop stewards, and show how they can most effectively help victims of domestic violence at work. NGOs and Ministries of other Member States can use both prototypes to produce their own nationally adapted version (English translation available).

The development of the prototypes was financially supported by the EU programme »Daphne« in 2000. The CD-Roms (50,000) will be published in February 2003 and will be available free of charge from the German Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens and Women, Broschürenstelle at

Until then information about »AVA« can be found on the website of the producer, Cristina Perincioli, at  and 

Website for violent men: 

As many men communicate more easily with computers than with their wives, a website could be the media to

• raise awareness for all forms of abuse,

• give men an idea of the dangers of domestic violence

• encourage them to seek professional help for themselves or for their clients. informs

• violent men

• social service employees, police, lawyers, medical staff

• schools and youth groups

• students of social work


• popular myths about the causes of male violence;

• all forms of violence in partnerships;

• the dangers of the ”spiral of violence”;

• how training groups specialising in domestic violence work with perpetrators;

• groups in their region, including addresses, portraits of the men working there as well as the group`s concept;

• the experiences of participants in the training courses, who tell what and how they learn.

This is invaluable information, as in Germany at present there is a lack of trained professionals who deal with violent men.

Financial support and assistance

was provided by the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens and Women and the Ministry of Social and Family Affairs of Brandenburg, in cooperation with the department of Social Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt


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