Training Manual on Gender Violence in Muslim Societies

EuroPROFEM - The European Men Profeminist Network 


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Training Manual on Gender Violence 

in Muslim Societies


Fabio Angell  on behalf of SIGI is pleased to announce the release of its new training manual on gender violence


Written by: Mahnaz Afkhami, Greta Hofmann Nemiroff, and Haleh
Vaziri in consultation with Afifa Dirani Arsanios, Asma Khader, and Marlyn Tadros.

Published by: Sisterhood Is Global Institute (SIGI)
Cost: US$22.00

"Safe and Secure" assists women to identify sources of violence in the family, community, society, and state; communicate information about and understanding of violence to others; and influence governments to formulate and implement policies that eliminate gender-based violence. It is developed to train trainers who work with service providers such as police, doctors, and judges, or grassroots-level women and men, and women's rights activists.

The model underlying the manual is culture-based, grassroots-oriented, participatory, and dialogical. It uses ideas, traditions, myths, and texts rendered in local idiom and relevant to the community in order to convey the universal concepts of rights. It promotes interaction among equals, reciprocity of roles between teacher and learner, and exchange of positions ,between communicators and audiences.

The core of "Safe and Secure" is the thirteen case-studies of violenceagainst women and girls in Muslim societies. These case studies arebased ,on factual accounts collected by SIGI.

* verbal and psychological abuse
* financial and resource coercion
* verbal and physical assaults in public spaces
* sexual harassment on the job
* forced child labor
* spousal abuse
* female genital mutilation
* rape
* prostitution
* child marriage
* honor killing
* crisis situation: state-sanctioned gender apartheid (Afghanistan)
* crisis situation: women in the midst of armed conflict (Algeria)

The order in which the case studies unfold represents an escalation from ,psychologically damaging to life-threatening forms of violence. Each case study is followed by a series of questions and interactive learning ,exercises that stimulate discussion and the development of strategies ,for dealing with violence against women and girls.


Following the creation of this MADV section, I have received e-mails from Muslims all over the world - U.S.A. to Pakistan, telling me about the shelters they have set up for Muslims women and children. Not only do some Muslim men abuse their wives, they go after their wives when the wives seek help... 


Islam and Domestic Violence Bibliography 


Women's Learning Partnership (WLP) is dedicated to women's leadership and empowerment. At its essence, WLP is a builder of networks, working with 18 autonomous and independent partner organizations in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies, to empower women to transform their families, communities, and societies.

We strongly believe that women, working in partnership, will learn the skills and implement the strategies needed to secure human rights, contribute to the development of their communities, and ultimately create a more peaceful world.

Our primary objectives are to increase the number of women taking on leadership and decision-making roles at family, community, and national levels, and to improve the effectiveness of feminist movements in Muslim-majority societies and globally by strengthening the capacity of our partner organizations.

4 star charity WLP is an international, non-governmental organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

What We Do: In cooperation with our partners, we create culturally-adapted leadership training curriculum and implement leadership and empowerment programs for grassroots women in 18 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

We build the organizational capacity and ICT capacity of our partner organizations to support the collective mobilization of women in the Global South for gender equality and social justice.

In order to expand and protect women's human rights and to build a culture of peace, we engage in campaigns and hold South-South and South-North dialogues on the challenges and opportunities facing women in the Global South, particularly in Muslim-majority societies.

We ensure that gender equality remains on the agenda of policymakers and civil society leaders through our advocacy and networking activities.

Our news, events, and publications share the experiences of women organizers in the Global South, raising the visibility of their work, and enriching the global debate on gender equality, rights, development, and peace. 


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