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Tutor: Jeff Hearn

Although there is a mass of literature in social work, social care and welfare more generally that has much to say about men and masculinities, this is often done in an implicit and untheorized way. This Option module will critically consider more explicit analyses of men and masculinities in relation to welfare practices. The practices that this module addresses include those of men as managers and policy-makers of welfare agencies; of men as workers, professionals, and colleagues; of boys and men as users and ‘clients’; and of boys and men as responsible for or implicated in particular welfare problems for others. In some cases the significance of men may lie in their absence rather than their presence. This may apply, for example, in terms of ‘absent fathers’, ‘elusive clients’ or even clients that are avoided by workers. There are also a wide range of other relevant issues. These include feminism and men, theories of patriarchy and their evaluation, sources of men’s power and lack of power, types of masculinity and their changing forms, men’s sexuality, violence, work, ‘race’ and ethnicity, images and the media. Each of these has important implications for social work, social care, community work and other interventions with boys and men, and may lead to contradictions and changes facing men in welfare and other work. Assessment is by one coursework essay or case study (4,000 words). Please discuss your ideas for a suitable area with me before proceeding too far.


Most, if not all, of the major social science journals deal with men and masculinities, though usually implicitly. The major feminist journals, including Signs, Women’s Studies International Forum, Feminist Review frequently include directly relevant papers. Achilles Heel was published from London between l978 and l983, republished in 1987, and was relaunched early l990, and includes some useful articles. Changing Men is published by National Organization for Men Against Sexism (in US) and is also of interest. Working with Men is a journal which focuses on that topic. Journals which have published special issues on men and masculinity include:

Journal of Social Issues 34 (1) 1978

Women’s Studies International Forum 7 (1) l984

American Behavioural Scientist 30 (1) 1986

Journal of the National Association of Women Deans, Administrators and Counsellors 49 (4) Summer l986

Feminism & Psychology 1 (3) 1991 and 2 (2) 1992

A longer list on ‘Black Men, Black Masculinities’ is available on request.


Bibliographic Source

There are three major United States bibliographies:

K.E. GRADY, R. BRANNON and J.H. PLECK The Male Sex Role, A Selected and Annotated Bibliography US Dept of Health, Education and Welfare, Rockville, 1979 (particularly useful on psychology).

MIT Humanities Library Men’s Studies Bibliography MIT., Mass. 1979

E. AUGUST Men’s Studies. A Selected and Annotated Interdisciplinary Bibliography Libraries Unlimited, Littleton, Col. l985 (indispensable sourcebook) and one British bibliography:

D. FORD & J. HEARN Studying Men and Masculinities Applied Social Studies, University of Bradford, UK, l988, l989, l99l

Another valuable collection is:

S. FEMIANO Men’s Studies Syllabi Northampton, Mass., l985



A. BRITTAN Masculinity and Power Blackwell, Oxford, 1989

H. BROD ed The Making of Masculinities. The New Men’s Studies Allen & Unwin, Boston/London, l987

H. BROD & M. KAUFMAN (eds) Theorizing Masculinities Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., l994

T. CARRIGAN & R. CONNELL ‘Freud and Masculinity’ unpublished paper, Macquarrie University

T. CARRIGAN, R. CONNELL & J. LEE ‘Toward a new sociology of masculinity’. Theory and Society 14, l985 (Extracts in H. Brod and M. Kaufman)

R. CHAPMAN & J. RUTHERRFORD (eds) Male Order Lawrence & Wishart, London, l988

R. CONNELL Which Wa is Up? Allen & Unwin, London/Sydney, 1988

R. CONNELL Gender and Power Polity, Cambridge, 1987

P. COTE, B. DARE & M. MUZYCHKA Men Changing. A Resource Manual for Men’s Consciousness Raising Alternative Futures Institute/Carlton Univ. Ottawa, 1984

P. CHESLER About Men Women’s Press, London, l978

C.W. FRANKLIN The Changing Definition of Masculinity Plenum, New York, 1984

S. FRIEDMAN & E. SARAH eds On the Problem of Men Women’s Press, London, 1981

J.B. HARRISON ‘Review Essay. Men’s roles and men’s lives.’ Signs 4 (2) 1978, pp 324-36

J. HEARN The Gender of Oppression. Men, masculinity and the Critique of Marxism Wheatsheaf, Brighton,1987

J. HEARN ‘Reviewing Men and Masculinities - or Mostly Boys’ Own Papers’, Theory, Culture and Society 6, 1989, pp 665-689

J. HEARN Men in the Public Eye. The Construction and Deconstruction of Public Men and Public Patriarchies Routledge, London, l992

J. HEARN & D.H.J. MORGAN eds Men, Masculinities and Social Theory Unwin Hyman, London, l990

K. KAUFMAN ed Beyond Patriarchy. Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change Oxford UP, Toronto, 1987

M. KIMMEL ed Changing Men. New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity Sage, Newbury Park, Ca./London, l987

M. KIMMEL & M. MESSNER eds Men’s Lives Macmillan, New York, 1989

D.H.J. MORGAN Discovering Men Routledge, London, 1992

A. TOLSON The Limits of Masculinity Tavistock, London, 1977



R. BOWL, Changing the Nature of Masculinity - A Task for Social Work? Social Work Monograph 30, Norwich: University of East Anglia, 1985

L. DOMINELLI & E. McLEOD, Feminist Social Work Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1989

J. HARRIS & J. SULLIVAN ‘Addressing men’s roles’ Social Work Today 8 Sept l988

M. HAZELHURST ‘Men in Social Work’ Working with Men 1, 1994

J. HEARN ‘Notes on Patriarchy, Professionalization and Semi-Professions’ sociology 16 (2 1982): 184-202 (extracts in The Gender of Oppression and C. Ungerson (ed) Women and Social Policy Macmillan).

R. HUGMAN Power in Caring Professions Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1991

D. LAINE ‘Women and Men’s Voice in Social Work’ Social Work March-April 1986

T. LLOYD ‘The Problem with Men’ Social Work Today 7 Sept 89; 27

A. KADUSHIN ‘Men in a Woman’s Profession’ Social Work 2l (6) l976, pp 440-7

J. LONGRESS & R. BAILEY ‘Men’s Issues and Sexism; a journal review’ Social Work 24(1), 1979, pp 26-33

J. MOORE ‘The Sexist Impact of Poliocy’ Social Work Today l4 April 88: 16-17

J. PHILIPSON Practicing Equality - Women, Men and Social Work Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work, London, l992

D. RICHARDSON ‘Sexism in social work’ Community Care 15 November l98l: 15-18

S. TAUBMAN ‘Beyond the Bravado: Sex Roles and the Exploitative Male Social Work Jan-Feb l986: 12-18

N. THOMPSON Anti-Discriminatory Practice Macmillan, Basingstoke, l993



S. ALEXANDER & B. TAYLOR ‘In defence of ‘Patriarchy’ ‘ New Statesman 99, 1980, p 66l

M. BARRETT Women’s Oppression Today Verso, London, 1980

V. BEECHEY ‘On patriarchy’ Feminist Review 1979, pp 66-82

Z. EISENSTEIN ed Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case of Socialist Feminism Monthly Review, New York, l979

J.B. ELSHTAIN Public Man Private Woman Martin Robertson, Oxford, l98l

H. HARTMANN ‘The Unhappy marriage of Marxism and Feminism’ Capital and Class 8, l979

J. HEARN The Gender of Oppression Ch 3

J. HEARN Men in the Public Eye

A. KUHN & A.M. WOLPE eds Feminism and Materialism Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, l978 (esp ch by McDonnough and Harrison)

C. MacKINNON ‘Feminism, Marxism, method and the state’ Signs 7, 1982

M. O’BRIEN The Politics of Reproduction Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, l98l

S. ROWBOTHAM ‘The Trouble with Patriarchy’ New Statesman 98, 1979, pp 970-1

L. SARGENT ed Women and Revolution. The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism Pluto, London, l98l

Sociology, May l989, Special Issue on Patriarchy

S. WALBY Theorizing Patriarchy Blackwell, Oxford, 1990



N.A. CAZENAVE & G.H. LEON ‘Men’s work and family roles and characteristics’ in Kimmel 1987

Changing Men Special Issue, Black Masculinity, Winter 1986

C.W. FRANKLIN ‘Surviving the institutional decimation of black males’ in Brod 19877

L.A. GRAY (ed) Black Men Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., 1981

S. KAHN & SHARE HIV/AIDS and the Asian Communities The Report SHARE/SHAKTI, London c. 199l

B. HOOKS Feminist Theory. From Margin to Center South End, Boston, l984

H.R. MADHUBUTI Black Men. Obsolete, Single, Dangerous? Third World Press, Chicago, l990

K. MERCER & I. JULIEN ‘Race, sexual politics and black masculinities’ in R. Chapman and J. Rutherford (eds) Male Order Lawrence & Wishart, London, l988

M. SINHA ‘Gender and Imperialism’ in Kimmel l987

R. STAPLES (ed) Black Masculinity and the Politics of Space’ in Hearn and Morgan, l990


5 MEN IN AND AROUND FAMILIES - Boys, Children, Childcare, Families, Fatherhood

American Behavioural Scientist, Special Issue on Fatherhood 29 (5) 1986

J. ARCANA Every Mother’s Son Women’s Press, London, l983

J. ARCHER & B. LLOYD Sex & Gender Harmondsworth, Penguin, l982

N. BEAIL & J. McGUIRE eds Fathers, Psychological Perspectives Junction, London, l982

C. BELL, L. McKEE & K. PRIESTLEY Fathers, Childbirth and Work EOC Manchester, 1983

N. CHODOROW The Reproduction of Mothering University of California Press, Berkeley, 1978

L. EICHENBAUM & S. ORBACH Outside In, Inside Out Harmondsworth, Penguin, l982

S. HANSON & F.W. BOZETT eds Dimensions of Fatherhood Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., 1985

L. HARNE ‘Lesbian Custody and the New Myth of the Father’ Trouble and Strife 3, 1984, pp 12-5

J. HEARN Birth and Afterbirth. A Materialist Account Achilles Heel, London, 1983

J.C. HOOD ed Men, Work and Family Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., 1994

D. JACKSON Unmasking Masculinity Unwin Hyman, London, 1990

C. LEWIS Becoming a Father Open University, Milton Keynes, 1986

C. LEWIS & M. O’BRIEN Reassessing Fatherhood Sage, London, 1987

L. McKEE & C. BELL ‘His unemployment: her problem’ in S. Allen et al ed The Experience of Unemployment Macmillan, London, l986

L. McKEE & M. O’BRIEN eds The Father Figure Tavistock, London, 1982

W. MARSIGLIO ed Fatherhood, Sage, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 1995

J. POPAY, J. HEARN and J. EDWARDS eds Men, Gender Divisions and Welfare, Routledge, London, 1998.

A. RICH Women Born Virago, London, 1977

W.C. MacKAY Fathering Behaviours. The Dynamics of the Man Child Bond Plenum, New York, 1985

J. HEARN ‘Childbirth, men and the problem of fatherhood’ Radical Community Medicine l5, l984, pp9-19

A. OAKLEY Numerous books including Sex, Gender and Society Gower, Aldershot, 1985

R. KENT ‘The birth of the male pregnancy’ New Society 9 May 1986

R. PARKE Fathering Fontana, London, 1981


6 YOUNG MEN - in and around Families

B. CAMPBELL Goliath: Britain’s Dangerous Places Methuen, London, 1993

A. PHILLIPS The Trouble with Boys Pandora, London, 1993

A. COOTE et al The Family Way IPPR, London, 1990

N. DENNIS & G. ERDOS Families without Fatherhood IEA, London, 1992

N. DENNIS & G. ERDOS Rising Crime and the Dismembered Family IEA, London, 1993

C. MURRAY The Emerging British Underclass IEA, London, 1991

G. DENCH The Frog, the Prince and the Problem of Men Neanderthal Books, London, 1994

A. COOTE ed Families, Children and Crime IPPR, lONDON, 1994



S. ARBER & N. GILBERT ‘Men: The Forgotten Carers’ In Community Care A Reader, J. Bornat et al (eds) l34-l42 Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1993

V. A. BLAKE ‘Men as Carers - Some Observations’ Caring 1989

G. DALLEY ‘Ideologies of care: a feminist contribution to the debate’ Critical Social Policy 3 (2) 1983, 72-81

G. DALLEY Ideologies of Caring Macmillan, London, l988

J. FINCH & D. GROVES ed A Labour of Love Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1983

J. HARPER ‘My wife’s social worker doesn’t understand me!’ Community Care 25 June l987 i-ii

M. HENWOOD et al Inside the Family Family Policy Studies Centre, London, 1987

J. ROBERTS ‘Men of Few Words’ Community Care23 September 1990

G. RUSSELL The Changing Role of Fathers Open University Press, 1983



M. BRAKE ‘I may be a queer, but at least I am a man’ in D.L. Barker and S. Allen eds Sexual Divisions and Society: Process and Change Tavistock, London, 1976

L. COVENEY et al The Sexuality Papers Hutchinson, London, 1984

T. EDWARDS Erotics and Politics Routledge, London, 1994

D. FERNBACH The Spiral Pathj Gay Men’s Press, London, l982

N. FRIDAY Men in Love. Men’s Sexual Fantasies Arrow, London, 1980

GAY LEFT COLLECTIVE ed Homosexuality: Power and Politics Alison & Busby, London, 1980

G.M. HEREK ‘On heterosexual masculinity’ American Behavioural Scientist 29 (5) 1986

S. HITE The Hite Report on Male Sexuality MacDonald, London, l981

G. HOCQUENCHEM Homosexual Desire Alison & Busby, London 1978

M. KAUFMAN op cit (esp chs by Horowitz & Kaufman, Kinsman and Kleinberg)

A. METCALF & M. HUMPHRIES eds The Sexuality of Men Pluto, London, 1985

M. MIELI Homosexuality and Liberation Gay Men’s Press, London, 1980

K. PLUMMER The Making of the Modern Homosexual Hutchinson, London, 1981

K. PLUMMER (ed) Modern Homosexualities Routledge, London, 1993

V. SEIDLER (ed) Men, Sex and Relationships Routledge, London, 1992

J. STOLTENBERG Refusing to be a Man Collins, London 1990

J. WEEKS Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Quartet, London, 1977 and numerous other books


W.S. WOODEN & J. PARKER Men Behind Bars: Sexual Exploitation in Prison Plenum, New York, 1982

B. ZILBERGELD Men and Sex Fontana, London, 1980


7 VIOLENCE - general

See J. Hanmer’s Reading List on Violence to Women and Children

H. BROD ‘Eros Thanatized: Pornography and male sexuality’ Humanities in Society 7, Winter-Spring 1984 (reproduced in Kimmel Men Confront Pornography

S. BROWNMILLER Against Our Will. Women and Rape Penguin, Harmondswsorth, 1984

V. BURSTYN ‘Male Dominance and the State’ in R. Miliband and J. Saville eds Socialist Register 1983 Merlin, London, 1983

R. COWARD ‘Sexual violence and sexuality’ Feminist Review, 11

A. DWORKIN Pornography: Men Possessing Women Women’s Press, London, 1981

J. HANMER & M. MAYNARD eds Women, Violence and Social Control Macmillan, London, 1987 (esp ch by Morgan)

M. KAUFMAN ‘The construction of masculinity and the triad of violence’ in M. Kaufman op cit

M. KIMMEL (ed) Men Confront Pornography Crown, New York, 1990

D. MORGAN It will make a man of you Studies in Sexual Politics, University of Manchester, Manchester, l987

J. PRATT ‘Pornography and everyday life’ Theory, Culture and Society 3 (1) 1986, pp 65-78

V. REMY ‘Brotherhood of terror’ Green Line 47, November 1986



T. BEREKE Men on Rape St Martin’s New York, 1982

D. BURN et al ‘Offending and Masculinity : Working with Males’ Probation Journal1991 pp 106-111

E.W. GONDOLF & D. RUSSELL ‘The case against control treatment programmes for batterers’ Response 9 (3), 1986, pp 2-5

E.W. GONDOLF ‘Seeing through smoke and mirrors. A guide to batterers program evaluations’ Response 10 (3) 1987, pp 16-19

E.W. GONDOLF Men who Batter Learning Publications, Holmes Beach, Fl., 1985

N. GROTH & H. BIRUBAUM Men Who Rape Plenum, New York, 1979

J. HEARN ‘Child abuse and men’s violence’ in Violence Against Children Study Group ed. Taking Child Abuse Seriously Unwin Hyman, London, 1990

J. HEARN ‘Child abuse; sexualities and violence to young people’ Sociology, 22 (4), november 1988, pp 531-44

J. HEARN Masculinity and Crime. Issues of Theory and Practice Conference Report, Brunel University, 1993

J. HEARN ‘Making sense of men, men’s psychology and men’s violence’ Clinical Psychology Forum 64 February l994, pp 13-17

S. HORLEY ‘Responding to male violence against women’ Probation Journal december 1990, pp 166-170

J. JENKINS Men, Masculinity and Offending London Action Trust/ILPS, London, 1994

A. LEITH ‘Child Abuse: Groupwork with men’ Practice1988. 197-207

A. LEITH & S. HANDFORTH ‘Groupwork with sexually abused boys’ Practice 2 1988, l66-75

J. MESSERSCHMIDT Capitalism, Patriarchy and Crime Rowman & Littlefield, Totowa, N.J. 1986

J. MESSERSCHMIDT Masculinities and Crime Rowan and Littlefield, Lanham, MD, 1993

J. MILNER ‘A disappearing act : the career paths of fathers and mothers in child protection investigations’ Critical Social Policy 38, l3(2), 1993, pp 48-63

P. MOORE ‘Acting Out.’ Using drama to confront male stereotypes and fantasies’ Probation JournalOct 1993, pp 127-32

T. NEWBURN & E. STANKO eds ‘Just Boys Doing Business.’ Men, Masculinities and Crime Routledge, London, 1994

T. PERRY ‘Congruent behaviour: male worker and sex offender’ Probation JournalOct 1993, pp 140-2

S. RUXTON ‘Caution! Men at Work’ Community Care 11 Feb l993, 20-21

D. SCULLY Analysing Sexual Violence Unwin Hyman, London, 1990

R. WYRE Women, Men and Rape Perry Publications, oxford, l986

R. WYRE ‘Beware dcollusion with ‘conquest sex’ ‘ Community Care 25 June l987, vii-viii



A Paid Work/Men in Organisations - General

C. COCKBURN Brothers Pluto, London, l983

C. COCKBURN In the Way of Women Macmillan, London, 1991

D.L. COLLINSON ‘Engineering humour’: masculinity, joking and conflict in shop floor relations’, Organizational Studies 9, (2) 1988 pp l8l-l99

D.L. COLLINSON Managing the Shopfloor - Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture de Gruyter, Berlin, 1992

D.L. COLLINSON & J. HEARN ‘Naming men as men: implications for work, organizations and management’ Gender, Work and Organization 1 (1), 1993, pp 2-22

EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES INTERNATIONAL 8, l, 1989 Special Issue on Men, Masculinities and Leadership

A. GAME & R. PRINGLE Gender at Work Allen & Unwin, London/Sydney, 1993

S. GRAY ‘Sharing the shopfloor’ in M. Kaufman op cit.

J. HEARN ‘Changing Men and Changing Managements: a review of issues and actions’ Women in Management Review 7 (1) 1992, pp 3-8

J. HEARN & P.W. PARKIN ‘Gender and organizations: a selective review and

critique of a neglected arsea’ Organization Studies1983 (copy on Shelves)

J. HEARN & P.W. PARKIN ‘Women, men and leadership: a critical review of assumptions, practices and change in the industrailized nations’ in N. Adler and D. Izraeli (eds) Women in Management Worldwide M.E. Sharpe, New York, 1989

J. HEARN & P.W. PARKIN ‘Sex ‘ at ‘Work’. The Power and Paradox of Organisation Sexuality Wheatsheaf, Brighton, 1987

J. HEARN, J. SHEPPARD, P. TANCRED-SHERIFF & G. BURRELL (esp) The Sexuality of Organization Sage, London, 1989 (esp ch by Collinson & Collinson)

V. HEY Sage, London, 1989 (esp ch by Collinson & Collinson)

V. HEY Patriarchy and Pub Culture Tavistock, London, 1986

G.M. PHILLIPS ‘Men talking to men about their relationships’ American Behavioural Scientist 29 (3) 1986, pp 32l-41

A. TOLSON op cit

C.L. WILLIAMS (ED) Doing Women’s Work. Men in Nontraditional Occupations Sage, Newbury Park, Ca. 1993

P. WILLIS Learning to Labour Saxon House, l977

P. WILLIS ‘Shop Floor Culture, Masculinity and Wage form’ in J. Clarke, C. Critcher and R. Johnson (eds) Working Class Culture Hutchinson,London, 1979


B Men as Social Workers

P. CARTER ‘The problem of men: a reply to Keith Pringle, CSP Issue 36’ Critical Social Policy 38, l3 (2) 1993 100-106

J. HEARN ‘Child abuse’ and men’s violence in Violence Against Children Study Group, Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice, Unwin, London, 1990

S. HACKETT ‘Woman’s Place’ Community Care 26 August l993 10-11

J. JACOBS Revolving Doors: Sex Segregation and Women’s Careers Stanford, Ca., Stanford University Press, 1989

J. A. JACOBS ‘Men in Female-Dominated Fields - Trends and Turnover In Doing ‘Women’s Work’ Men in Nontraditional Occupations ed Christine Williams, 49-63, Newbury Park: Sage, 1993

A. KADUSHIN, ‘Men in a Women’s Profession’ Social Work 21 November l976, 440-447

M.A. LIDDLE ‘Genderm, Desire and Child Sexual Abuse: Accounting for the Male Majority’ Theory, Culture and Society 10, 1993, 103-126

K. PRINGLE ‘Danger! men at (social) work’ In Surviving Sexual Abuse ed K. Pringle and M. Helm, Barnardos, forthcoming

K. PRINGLE ‘Child sexual abuse perpetrated by welfare personnel and the problem of men Critical Social Policy 12 (3) 1992/3 4-19

D. REDDING ‘Why do they do it?’ Community Care (?) 25 Aug l988, 18-19

S. RUXTON ‘Men - Too Dangerous to Work with Children?’ Working with Men (1) 16-17 1994

B. WALLER & M. LINDSAY ‘The Abuse of Power’ Community Care 21 June 1990, 20-22

C. WILLIAMS ‘The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the ‘Female’ Profession’ Social Problems 39 (3) 1992 253-267

L.S. WILLIAMS & W.J. VILLEMEZ ‘Seekers and Finders Male Entry and Exit into Female-Dominated Jobs.’ In Doing ‘Women’s Work’ Men in Nontraditional Occupations ed Christine J. Williams, 64-90, Newbury Park: Sage, l993b



A Men Against Sexism/Men’s Groups/Consciousness Raising - General

F. ABBOTT ed New Men, New Minds, Breaking Male Tradition Crossing, Freedom, Ca., 1987

Achilles Heel Journal

F. BAUMLI Men Freeing Men New Atlantic, Jersey City, l985 (not anti-sexist)

T. CARRIGAN et al op cit

P. COTE et al op cit

T. EARDLEY, M. HUMPHRIES & P. MORRISON About Men Broadcasting Support Services, London, l983

J. HEARN The Gender of Oppression ch 11

M. KAUFMAN Cracking the Armour Viking, New York, l993

J. ROWAN The Horned God Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, l987

V. SEIDLER Rediscovering Masculinity Routledge, London, l989

V. SEIDLER (ED) The Achilles Heel Reader Routledge, London, l99l

V. SEIDLER Recreating Sexual Politics Routledge, London, l99l

J. SNODGRASS ed A Book of Readings for Men Against Sexism Times Change, Albion Ca., l979

J. STOLTENBERG The End of Manhood Dutton, New York, 1993

WSIQ 7 (L) 1984 (Esp Hester, Stoltenberg)


B Social Work, Social Care and Welfare

J. FINCH ‘Community Care: developing non-sexist alternatives’ Critical Social Policy 3 (3) 1984: 6-18

F. GARDINER ‘First steps towards a non-sexist child care practice’ Social Work Today l9 October l987, 11-12

P. LICHTENBERG ‘Men and Feminist Practice.’ In Not for Men Only Social Work Practice for a Feminist Future ed Mary Bricker-Jenkins and Nancy R. Hooyman, Silver Spring, MD: NASW, L986

R. THOMAS ‘Feminism - The Anti-sexist Males Response’ Social Work Today, 21 April l988, 20-21

N. THOMPSON Anti-Discriminatory Practice Macmillan, Basingstoke, l993

R.M. TOLMAN, D.D. MOWRY, L.E. JONES, J. BREKKE ‘Developing a profeminist commitment among men in social work’ in Feminist visions

for Social Work ed N. and Cooper Van Den Bergh L.B. 6l-79, Silver Spring, MD: NASW, 1986

J. WATTS ‘Wifebeaters. Men say why they batter women’ The Observer 25 February l990

J. WILD ‘The male social worker and sexual abuse: towards an anti-sexist framework’ Child Protection 3 (l) l988, 3-6

J. WILD ‘Men’s groups - making a difference?’ Community Care 25 June l987 vi



S. BIGGS Understanding Ageism Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1993

B. EHRENREICH The Hearts of Men Puto, London, l983

J. HARRISON, J. CHIN & T. FICARROTTO ‘Warning: Masculinity may be dangerous to your health, in M. Kaufman and M. Messner (eds) Men’s Lives Macmillan, New York, l989

J. HEARN The Gender of Oppression Wheatsheaf, Brighton, l987

J. HEARN Health, Bodies and Men’s Violence Violence, Abuse and Gener Relations Research Unit, University of Bradford, 1992

J. HEARN ‘Imaging the ageing of men’ in M. Featherstone and A. Wernick (eds) Born Dying. Images of Ageing Sage, London, l995

D. JACKSON Unmasking Masculinity: A Critical Autobiography Unwin Hyman, Lndon, 1990

M.E. MISHKIND, J. RODIN, L. SILBERSTEIN & R. H. STRIEGEL-MOORE ‘The Embodiment of Masculinity’ in M. Kimmel (ed) Changing Men Sage, Newbury Park, 1987

C. PATTON Sex and Germs South End Press, Boston, l985

C. SHIFELLITE ‘Beyond Tarzan and Genes: Toward a Critique of Biological Determinism, in M. Kaufman (ed) Beyond Patriarchy Oxford UP, Toronto, 1987

E.H. THOMPSON (ed) Older Men’s Lives Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., l994

S. WATNEY Policing Desire Methuen, London, l987



S. ASKEW & C. ROSS Boys Don’t Cry Open University, Milton Keynes, l988

S. ASKEW & C. ROSS Anti-Sexist Work with Boys EOC, Manchester nd

R. DEEM (ed) Co-education Reconsidered Open University, Milton Keynes, 1984 (esp Chapter by Arnot)

N. DORN & N. SOUTH Of Males and Markets. A Critical Review of ‘Youth Culture’ Middlesex Polytechnic, 1983

N. DORN & N. SOUTH ‘Youth and sexual divisions’ and ‘Youth, the family and the regulation of the informed’ Resources for Feminist Research l2 l983/4pp 35-9


EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION An Equal Start. Guidelines for those working with the Under-Fives EOC nd

T. LLOYD Working with Boys National Youth Bureau, Leicester, 1985

A. McROBBIE & M. NAVA eds Gender and Generation Macmillan, London, l984 (esp chapter by Wood)

P. MAHONEY Schools for the Boys? Co-education Reassessed Hutchinson, London, l985

J. WHYLD, D. PICKERSGILL & D. JACKSON Anti-Sexist Work with Boys and Yong MenWhyld Publishing Co-op, Caistor, Lincs



P. RIEKER & E. CARMAN (eds) The Gender Gap in Psychotherapy Plenum, New York, 1984

S. REIMERS & B. DIMMOCK ‘Mankind and Kind Men: An Agenda for Male Therapists’ Journal of Family Therapy12, 1990, pp 167-81

SELF & SOCIETY Special Issue 1985/6

K. SOLOMON & N.B. LEVY (eds) Men in Transition. Theory and Therapy Plenum, New York, 1982

T.S. STEIN & C.J. COHEN Contemporary Perspectives on Psychotherapy with Lesbians and Gay Men Plenum, New York, 1986


G. CRAIG Men, Masculinity and the Media Sage, Newbury Park, Ca., 1992

R. DYER ‘Male sexuality in the media’ in Metcalf and Humphries op cit

A. EASTHOPE What a Man’s Gotta Do. The Masculine Myth in Popular Culture Paladin, London, l986

J. HEARN Men in the Public Eye esp ch 8

P. KIRKHAM & J. THUMIN (eds) You Tarzen. Masculinity, Movies and Men Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1993

S. KENT & J. MOREAU Women’s Images of Men Writers and Readers, London, 1985

J. MELLEN Big Bad Wolves. Masculinity in American Film Pantheon, New York, 1977

K. MERCER & I. JULIEN ‘Race, sexual politics and Black masculinities’ in Chapman and Rutherford

P. MIDDLETON The Inward Gaze Routledge, London, 1992

J. RUTHERFORD Men’s Silences Routledge, London, 1992

TEN-8 No 17 ‘Men in Camera’ 1985

A. WERNICK ‘From voyeur to narcissist: Imaging men in contemporary advertising’ in Kaufman, op cit

R. WOOD ‘Raging Bull. The homosexual subtext in film’ in Kaufman op cit.