News 2020

EuroPROFEM - The European Men Profeminist Network 

Contributions by language


13. novembre 2020

News - Nouveautés




France: Institut du genre - Les études de genre ne sont pas une discipline mais un vaste champ de recherche. La question des constr - uctions « genrées » et des rapports de sexe concerne toutes les pratiques, sociales et symboliques, et traverse tous les champs de pensée et de savoir.

Les hommes : nouvel objet de recherche - Les études des « masculinités » sont longtemps restées marginales en Europe. (Masculinities Studies) Michael Kimmel a publié et édité d’importants ouvrages dans ces domaines, dont The Gendered Society (2011 [2009]), Men’s Lives (2010 [1989]) et Changing Men : New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity (1996 [1987])

Le questionnement des masculinités, dans le champ des études de genre,  a souvent été et reste encore un objet, au mieux oublié et méconnu, au pire instrumentalisé, en tous cas sous-traité et maltraité... Une histoire politique du mot montre que selon les périodes, les pays, les langues, le terme de masculinisme a pu être revendiqué par des hommes pro-féministes critiques des antiféministes (comme une sorte de pendant au mot féminisme) et, à l’opposé par des hommes antiféministes au nom d’un « ressac » viriliste revanchard. Il n’est dès lors pas surprenant que les femmes, féministes ou non, aient une conception et une utilisation opérationnelle contradictoires de ce terme. 



Pro-feminism refers to support of the cause of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist movement. The term is most often used in reference to men ("male feminists") who actively support feminism and its efforts to bring about the political, economic, cultural, personal, and social equality of women with men. A number of pro-feminist men are involved in political activism, most often in the areas of gender equality, women's rights, and ending violence against women.
Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, men's studies, the development of gender-equity curricula in schools, and many other areas. Pro-feminist men who support anti-pornography feminists participate in activism against pornography including anti-pornography legislation. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services, such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers.

Flood is a co-editor of the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, and the author of numerous academic papers on issues related to men and gender. Flood has also worked as a pro-feminist educator and activist, addressing men's violence against women. He coordinates, edits and contributes to XY, a pro-feminist website providing a range of commentary and research on men and masculinities, male sexuality, feminism, the men's movement and male violence from a feminist perspective. He also coordinates The Men's Bibliography, an online collection of over 22,000 works on men, masculinities, and gender.

Bob Pease - University of Tasmania  - I have been involved in researching, writing, teaching and profeminist activism in relation to men and masculinities for over 20 years. I first engaged with the critical scholarship on men and masculinities because I wanted to theoretically inform my practice as a profeminist activist. I was involved in Men Against Sexism in Tasmania the 1980s; I was a co-founding member of Men Against Sexual Assault, which was formed in Melbourne in 1989; and I was one of the organizers of the first White Ribbon Campaign against men’s violence in Australia. Therefore, for me, the critical interrogation of men and masculinities was always connected to profeminist activism. My PhD was on profeminist masculinity politics: examining the pathways for men who take on profeminist subject positions, and exploring the spaces for men’s involvement in struggles for gender equality (Pease, 1996, 2000).

Men, Masculinities, and Changing Power - UNFPA


Le ruban blanc : symbole d’une campagne universelle Plus de 180 pays y participent - Le 17 décembre 1999, l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a proclamé par une résolution le 25 novembre Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes. Cette date commémore l’assassinat des sœurs Mirabal, trois militantes dominicaines brutalement assassinées en 1960 sur les ordres du chef de l’État, Rafael Trujillo.

Campagne Ruban Blanc Suisse
Des hommes en mouvement en Suisse : trois perspectives sur la masculinité
Les Etudes genre en Suisse - Rien de ce qui est humain n’échappe aux rapports sociaux de sexe
Études genre Université de Neuchatel
Campagne mondiale du Ruban blanc en Belgique


White Ribbon Ambassadors are men who by wearing a white ribbon have joined the campaign and have pledged to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women

White Ribbon Canada ... Since 1991 men have worn white ribbons as a pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls.
White ribbon campaign inspired by Montreal Massacre: In 1991 a group of men starts the White Ribbon Campaign as a symbol of men's opposition to male violence against women. Recently, a troubling study found that men assaulted one in seven women, but only one in 250 cases were reported. The campaign's impetus comes from these statistics and the Montreal Massacre. In this CBC Television report, an organizer explains the ribbons symbolize "the idea of men giving up their arms.

The White Ribbon Alliance

White Ribbon Campaign (UK) The WRC is the largest effort in the world of men working to end men's violence against women. It relies on volunteer support and financial contributions from individuals and organizations.



Suisse_ trois perspectives sur la masculinité.pdf




The Recovery Village: Domestic Violence Resources - Drug Addiction, Mental Health, Treatment, Blog - Every minute, an average of 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States





Male Feminists Europe - European male feminists united for gender equality - We are Henrik Marstal from Copenhagen, Denmark, and Robert Franken from Cologne, Germany. We are two outspoken feminists who share the dedication to diversity and gender equality as well as the ambition to summon more men in support of the feminist agenda.

Men supporting feminism, male feminists - XY collection by Michael Flood

Men's Health Network - To save men's lives by reducing the premature mortality of men and boys - Resources

MenEngage Alliance members advocate around a number of key issues where gender directly affects the lives of women and men

Men Can Stop Rape - Coalition to End Sexual Violence

Men's Voices, Men As Allies - How Can We Help Women? By Helping Men - has promote women’s global leadership, empowerment and activism

NOMAS - National Organization for Men Against Sexism

The Man Kind Project - empowers men to missions of service, supporting men to make a difference in the lives of others – men, women, and children around the world - a presence in more than 21 nations

Menstuff - The National Men's Resource

Feminism and Gender Equality around the World - Four in ten women around the world say they don’t have equality with men or the freedom to reach their full dreams and aspirations - gender equality can be a reality only when men participate in the feminist movement

27 Famous Men Who Are Proud to Be Feminists - Fight for gender equality is a 24/7 battle, and a “phenomenal opportunity” for the world

HeForShe is inviting people around the world to stand together to create a bold, visible force for gender equality. And it starts by taking action right now to create a gender equal world - Get official HeForShe materials for your event, commitment drive, or social msedia campaign. Download the HeForShe playbook and materials to get your business, academic, governmental or non-governmental organization involved. Get official HeForShe materials for your campus event, commitment drive, or social media campaign.


Histoire du sexe fort sur France Culture - mars 2018 - A la fois norme et idéal, la virilité est-elle un attribut du corps masculin ? Devient-on homme comme on peut devenir femme ? Des Mignons d'Henri III aux cyclistes du Tour de France... et si la virilité n'était plus le propre des hommes ? Les Chemins de la Philosophie
Tous des garçons manqués?


Suisse - Vision de la Campagne Ruban Blanc - élimination de la violence envers les femmes et les filles d’ici 2030 – une idée dont le temps est venu - La Campagne a préparé un kit de 16 thèmes pour les 16 jours d’activisme durant lesquels vous pouvez agir soit personnellement, soit en groupe et organiser des débats, événements, table rondes, conférences de presse, marches populaires, etc.

L'Isle des Hermaphrodites - Thomas Artus, 1605, p.16-17 (BNF, Gallica)
Système physique et moral de la femme - Pierre Roussel,, 1775, p. 16-18, «Des effets immédiats qui paraissent dériver de l’organisation des parties sensibles de la femme»
Bad Lieutenantes (Grasset, 2006) Virginie Despentes, King Kong Théorie,
Le mythe de la virilité, un piège pour les deux sexes - oct. 2017 de Olivia GAZALÉ - Et si, comme les femmes, les hommes étaient depuis toujours victimes du mythe de la virilité ? De la préhistoire à l'époque contemporaine, une passionnante histoire du féminin et du masculin qui réinterprète de façon originale le thème de la guerre des sexes.
Pour asseoir sa domination sur le sexe féminin, l'homme a, dès les origines de la civilisation, théorisé sa supériorité en construisant le mythe de la virilité. Un discours fondateur qui n'a pas seulement postulé l'infériorité essentielle de la femme, mais aussi celle de l'autre homme (l'étranger, le " sous-homme ", le " pédéraste "...). Historiquement, ce mythe a ainsi légitimé la minoration de la femme et l'oppression de l'homme par l'homme.
Depuis un siècle, ce modèle de la toute-puissance guerrière, politique et sexuelle est en pleine déconstruction, au point que certains esprits nostalgiques déplorent une " crise de la virilité ". Les masculinistes accusent le féminisme d'avoir privé l'homme de sa souveraineté naturelle. Que leur répondre? Que le malaise masculin est, certes, une réalité, massive et douloureuse, mais que l'émancipation des femmes n'en est pas la cause. La virilité est tombée dans son propre piège, un piège que l'homme, en voulant y enfermer la femme, s'est tendu à lui-même.
En faisant du mythe de la supériorité mâle le fondement de l'ordre social, politique, religieux, économique et sexuel, en valorisant la force, le goût du pouvoir, l'appétit de conquête et l'instinct guerrier, il a justifié et organisé l'asservissement des femmes, mais il s'est aussi condamné à réprimer ses émotions, à redouter l'impuissance et à honnir l'effémination, tout en cultivant le goût de la violence et de la mort héroïque. Le devoir de virilité est un fardeau, et " devenir un homme " un processus extrêmement coûteux.
Si la virilité est aujourd'hui un mythe crépusculaire, il ne faut pas s'en alarmer, mais s'en réjouir. Car la réinvention actuelle des masculinités n'est pas seulement un progrès pour la cause des hommes, elle est l'avenir du féminisme


About Michael Kimmel

Michael Kimmel is among the leading researchers and writers on men and masculinity in the world today. He is the SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University, where he directs the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities. Kimmel is the author of more than 20 books, including Manhood in America: A Cultural History, which was hailed as the definitive work in the field. His best-selling book Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men investigates young people's lives today, based on interviews with more than 400 young men, ages 16-26. Featured in major television and radio interviews, the books was widely reviewed and praised in all major media outlets. Kimmel served as an expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in the VMI and Citadel cases. He has consulted with all the Ministries for Gender Equality in the Nordic countries, and was the first man to deliver the International Women's Day lecture at the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the European Commission, and the European Space Agency. Kimmel has lectured at over 300 colleges and universities, and offered presentations at many of the world's leading corporations on engaging men in support of gender equality. For more information about Michael Kimmel, including how to book him for a speaking engagement.


Film - Movie frm Micheal Kimmel :

Guyland: Where Boys Become Men - 2015 - 35' - Created & Written by Michael Kimmel - In this powerful new film based on his bestselling book, sociologist Michael Kimmel maps the troubling social world where boys become men -- a new stage of development he calls "Guyland." Arguing that the traditional adult signposts and cultural signals that once helped boys navigate their way to manhood are no longer clear, Kimmel provides an astonishing glimpse into a world where more and more young men are trying desperately to prove their masculinity to other young men -- with frequently disastrous consequences for young women and other young men.



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